Tuesday, August 02, 2005

sunburn and ravioli

the lack of posting has to do with no wireless at home. pisspoor excuse i know, but someone has to use them...
so, we had some friends over for the weekend, and got lots of (unexpected) engagement presents, the most exciting being a pasta machine. now my dreams of fresh pasta will no longer be sated by dry shop bought pasta, it's an all new epoch in my life. to celebrate we made some excellent big raviolis filled with spinach, ricotta and pinenuts. i hate to say it, but they were sensational. really..
in other (more exciting) news i'm off to bennicassim in spain and fiberib festival this weekend, it's going to be great. sun, jamon serrano, cool bands, the beach, wakka...
i'll report back on sunburn and raving...

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