So here I am Friday night on the train…
Half drunk from work beers (we ran out of the classic heineken so I was forced into bok beers). Listening to vitalic on my new ipod and trying to decide whether or not to go to raving tonight. I really want to go dancing, but then it’s not my game these days and I kinda need a little nudge to get me going.
But enough about my Friday night dilemmas, it’s an embarrassment of riches, rather than a paucity…
Last weekend was great we were in somerset, ate and drank a lot, played skittles and walked in the countryside. But above all else we ate, we had epic potjiekos and even a braai (barbecue to the uninitiated) in the middle of February. We saw Stone’enge too, which from now always reminds me of that scene from spinal tap.
It was ok, if a little cold and full of tourists (i.e. crap)
Otherwise this week has been work and sleep filled
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