Pukkelpop (or bugle pop as beck called it) was really cool
Lots of highlights
Best show;
Tv on the radio- they were electric (and they get biggest hair and biggest crazy beard combo too)
The last day was vicious; broken social scene, belle & Sebastian, !!!, and others. Saw some crazy bands that I’d been wanting to see, the knife, gang gang dance, hot chip, my morning jacket, . Radiohead were really great (as an avowed non-fan I was pretty blown away). Unfortunately I was too knackered for daft punk on the last night, they sounded cool on the way back to the tent.
Biggest downer;
Shower queues, lots of mud, I think I’m too mature (read old) for camping at festivals. Or maybe I’m not getting buckled enough, either way it’s atp and a comfy bed next time or else b and/or b.
The beer ruled though (as I would hope at a Belgian festival). The swill lager was good, and they had a weiss , a dark and a kriek beer.
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